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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » We used to admire common sense/elegance/eloquence/intelligence. Now we admire nonsense/dense/offense. I'd ask why but you don't know do you?

We used to admire common sense/elegance/eloquence/intelligence. Now we admire nonsense/dense/offense. I'd ask why but you don't know do you?

Posted - January 21, 2017


  • We still admire those attributes but the truth is, we're a society that doesn't foster or engender much of that any more. Actually it's shocking how little common sense and intelligence you find. I've always been a fan of knowledge, understanding and creativity as they contribute to these attributes but the painful truth is that "higher" education here became a process of being told what to think and not how to think. I'm college educated myself and I know that the campus is an environment where discourse, debate and disagreement are not tolerated.
      January 21, 2017 7:59 AM MST